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Feast of Trumpets

Bible Passage: Leviticus 23:24-25 [God commands the observance of a blowing of trumpets and a Sabbath rest]; Revelation 11:15-17 [God uses the sound of the trumpet blast to make His people aware of His judgment coming to earth and His kingdom reign].


Purpose: Only one hint is given as to why this holy day is observed. The Feast of Trumpets is referred to as a reminder by the blowing of trumpets [Leviticus 23:24]. The feast serves as a reminder of the holy day that comes after it, that is, the Day of Atonement [Leviticus 23:27-28]


How to Observe: The Feast of Trumpets is a reminder of the Day of Atonement which occurs only a few days later. During this feast, we are to repent and prepare ourselves as if in anticipation that God Himself will bring judgment on the Day of Atonement. Repentance should be practiced on a daily basis when needed, but for a Christian community as a whole, this can serve as a powerful reminder to all of its members of the need to repent from sins. This holy day should be observed in a gathering of believers [Numbers 29:1]


The Feast of Trumpets is a Sabbath and therefore should be observed just as the weekly Sabbath is observed [Leviticus 23:25].


Although an offering is commanded, no offering is to be made since Yeshua Himself has become our eternal sacrifice regarding the Feast of Trumpets (and all animal sacrifices) [Hebrew 10:1-10].


Act: Gather your community today, big or small, and everyone should begin deeply reflecting on their lives to search out for known and hidden sins that need to be repented of, and then repent!

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